Seared Tuna Salad
By Sarah Hamada • November 3, 2015
4 servings
30 min

It’s filling, fast, low calorie and delicious for seafood lovers!
Recipe submitted by Sarah Hamada. Also, check Sarah’s Shrimp Summer Rolls.
- 1 bunch coriander - كزبرة
- 1 bunch lettuce - خس
- 1 bunch arugula - جرجير
- 1 whole tomato - طماطم
- 1 pinch salt and pepper - ملح و فلفل
- 1 fillet Tuna Steak - ستيك تونه
- 1 slice butter - زبدة
- 1 drizzle olive oil - زيت زيتون
- 1 drizzle soy sauce - صوص الصويا
- 1 drop balsamic vinegar - الخل البلسمي
Step by step
- Defrost the tuna steak , then rub and marinate both sides with salt, pepper and olive oil.
- While the tuna is marinating, wash your greens and tomato and let them dry well before you chop them. Arrange in your serving dish.
- Heat the butter in a pan and add the tuna steak fillet. Cook for 1.5 minutes on each side . Remove it from the pan and let it rest for few minutes. Using a sharp knife cut the tuna into very thin slices.
- Arrange the sliced tuna on the salad.
- Mix a little soy sauce with olive oil and a drop of balsamic vinegar and drizzle the mixture over the tuna steak salad. Serve immediately.
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