Stir-Fried Garlic & Ginger Bok Choy
By yasmine • March 29, 2015
4 servings
30 min

Bok Choi to me was a scary cabbage that I didn’t know how to use or add to my salads since it has this tangy bitter taste – however discovering that it is a nutritious Asian ingredient – I learned that I can just incorporate it in any Asian chicken or barbecue meat dish or as a side dish and be confident it is a great addition in colour, texture and nutritional value! It is a great source of anti-oxidant, Vitamin A and Vitamin C with less than 13 calories per 100g.
Note that stir-frying lettuce decreases the amount significantly since it looses all the water and the natural curve of the green.
- 1 tablespoon sesame oil (OR olive oil) - زيت السمسم
- 1 tablespoon fresh ginger (chopped) - جنزبيل
- 3 garlic cloves (minced) - فصوص ثوم
- 1–2 teaspoon red chili pepper (chopped) - فلفل أحمر حار
- 1 tablespoon green onion (chopped - optional) - بصل أخضر
- 4 cup bok choy (cut in large chunks) - الملفوف الصيني / باك تشوي
- 2 tablespoon soy sauce - صوص الصويا
- 1 tablespoon fish sauce - صوص السمك التايلاندي
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar - سكر بني
- black pepper - فلفل أسود
Step by step
- Heat the oil and throw in the ginger, garlic, red chilli peppers and green onions. Let them sizzle for 5 minutes then add the bok choy.
- Stir the mix thoroughly until the bok choy starts darkening, add the soy and fish sauce followed by brown sugar and give it another stir until sugar melts in the mix.
- Take it off the heat – make sure the bok choy stems still have a mild crunch and still light green. Serve the whole mix (including ginger & chili) in a small bowl and grind some fresh black pepper on top.
- You can also add some toasted sesame or cashews at the end before taking it off the stove for a nutty crunch.
This is a perfect recipe to cook an unusual vegetable for us…it’s full of interesting flavours and it’s very light and delicious
Thanx to Cairocooking team!