Green Bulgur Salad
By shahdan • October 28, 2018
4 servings
30 min

Inspired by the Lebanese Tabbouleh, this luscious Green Bulgur Salad is the perfect side dish. It’s fresh, colourful, and full of healthy ingredients. It is easily prepared for your everyday meal, as well as ideal for gatherings especially barbecues. The leftovers (if any) is also great for your lunchbox.
The recipe uses 1.5 cup pre-cooked black lentils. To cook the lentils, simply rinse 3/4 cup lentils with water and place in a pot. Cover with water and leave to boil for about 20 minutes or until lentils are soft. Drain water and leave to cool.
- 1 cup bulgur - برغل
- 1.5 cup black lentils (cooked) - عدس بجبة
- 1 cup peas (half boiled and rinsed with cold water) - بسلة
- 1 cup sweet corn - ذرة حلوه
- 1 bunch parsley (large bunch) - بقدونس
- 1 bunch coriander (large bunch) - كزبرة
- 1/4 cup mint (leaves only) - نعناع
- 3/4 cup pomegranate seeds - بذور رمان
- 1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil - زيت الزيتون بكر
- 1/4 cup lemon juice - عصير ليمون
- salt and pepper (to taste) - ملح و فلفل
Step by step
- Wash bulgur, cover with boiling water, then cover and set aside.
- In a bowl, mix lentils with corn and peas.
- Finely chop parsley and coriander discarding only the last half of the stems. Chop mint leaves and add all greens to the grains bowl and mix.
- Prepare dressing in a small jar or cup. Pour over the salad and season generously with salt and pepper.
- After 15-20 minutes of soaking in boiling water, bulgur will be soft. Use a sieve to discard extra water and place bulgur in a large salad bowl.
- Season bulgur with salt and pepper and leave to cool before you add the rest of the salad.
- Finally add pomegranate seeds, mix gently and serve, or cover and refrigerate until serving time.
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