Simple Greens Chicken Broth
By Shewekar Elgharably • June 15, 2015
4 servings
30 min

Nothing can replace a good homemade chicken broth. Prepare it in large quantities, freeze it, and you will always have the perfect healthy base for all your soups and meals.
- 2.5 kg chicken (backs and necks) - دجاج
- 1 large leek (chopped) - كرات
- 1 large onion (chopped) - بصلة
- 2 large carrots (chopped) - جزر
- 1 stalks celery (chopped) - كرفس افرنجي
- 4 sprig parsley - بقدونس
- 2 sprig thyme (fresh) - زعتر
- 5 piece black peppercorns - حبوب فلفل أسود
- 3 pod cardamom - حبهان
Step by step
- In a stockpot, combine the chicken parts, leek, onion, carrots, celery, parsley, thyme and peppercorns.
- Add room temperature water to cover by 2 cm.
- Bring to almost a boil over medium high heat.
- Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover partially, and simmer for about 2 hours.
- Remove from the heat and strain. Press down on the solids to extract all the liquid and discard the solids.
- Let the stock stand for 10 minutes then skim off the fat from the surface.
- Use the stock at once or let cool to room temperature, cover and refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months.
- Lift off and discard the fat congealed on the surface before using.
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