Smashed Burgers
By shahdan • April 15, 2020
4 servings
30 min

Brown and crispy from the outside, super juicy from the inside and covered in layers of melted cheese & mouthwatering burger sauce, this is the recipe for the perfect Smashed Burgers that anyone can prepare and devour at home.
- 750 gram minced meat (with 15%-20% fat) - لحم مفروم
- 1 teaspoon olive oil - زيت زيتون
- salt and pepper - ملح و فلفل
- 10 slice cheddar cheese (or burger cheese) - جبن شيدر
- 5 medium burger buns - خبز همبرجر
- lettuce (to taste) - خس
- tomatoes (sliced to taste) - طماطم
- onions (sliced to taste) - بصل
- gherkin pickles (or any pickled cucumbers - to taste) - خيار مخلل
- FOR THE BURGER SAUCE: - صوص البرجر
- 3 tablespoon ketchup - كاتشب
- 3 tablespoon mayonnaise - مايونيز
- 1 teaspoon mustard - مسطردة
- 1/2 tablespoon gherkin pickles (finely chopped + 1 tbsp gherkin water from jar) - خيار مخلل
- 1 teaspoon onion (finely chopped) - بصلة
Step by step
- Use your hands to shape the minced beef into loose 75g balls each. You can cover the kitchen scale with a parchment paper and weigh the balls as you shape them. For 750g beef, you will have 10 balls for 5 burgers.
- Mix the burger sauce ingredients in a bowl. Slice lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and gherkins for the sandwiches. Set aside.
- Heat a large frying pan (preferably with a thick base) for a few minutes until very hot. Add olive oil and move the pan to spread it all over.
- Place 2 beef balls on the hot pan leaving enough space between them. Quickly cover the first ball with a small squared piece of parchment paper and use a small heavy pan to smash the burger flat. Repeat with the second beef ball. Season burger patties with salt and pepper.
- Cook for about 2 minutes, then use a stainless steel turner (المقصوصة المربعة العريضة) to flip the burgers, making sure to release all the crispy burger layer from the pan as you flip.
- Place a slice of cheese over each burger while it cooks on the other side. Meanwhile toast the inside of the bun by placing it (inside side down) on another hot pan.
- Spread the bun with burger sauce, add the 2 smashed patties over the bun, then finish the burger with slices of tomatoes, lettuce, onions, and gherkins to your liking.
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