No-Bake Mac & Cheese
By shahdan • January 20, 2019
4 servings
30 min

This is a quick and easy No-Bake Mac & Cheese that my kids love and ask for, especially during the winter season. It is not the lightest meal, but it is hearty and delicious.
The cheese sauce is made out of a relatively thinner béchamel sauce where the cheese thickens the consistency making it just the perfect creamy & cheesy sauce for the pasta.
I use half-cream milk, but you can use full cream if you like.
- 500 gram pasta (any small shape) - معكرونة
- 1/2 tablespoon butter - زبدة
- 1/2 tablespoon sunflower oil - زيت عباد الشمس
- 1 tablespoon flour - دقيق
- 2.5 cup half cream milk (about 600ml) - لبن نصف دسم
- 4 slice cheddar cheese - جبن شيدر
- 2 tablespoon parmesan cheese - جبنة بارميزان
- 1 pinch nutmeg - جوزة الطيب
- salt and pepper (to taste) - ملح و فلفل
Step by step
- Cook pasta according to pack instructions. Drain and set aside.
- To prepare the sauce, melt butter with oil in a pot. Add flour and stir. Let flour bubble for 30 seconds on low heat then add a little milk and whisk, making sure the mixture is lump-free.
- When the milk thickens, add a little more and whisk making sure the sauce thickens every time before you add more milk. Finish adding milk to reach a thin béchamel consistency. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper then take off the heat.
- Break cheese into pieces, add to the sauce and whisk until the cheese melts in the mixture. Add grated parmesan and whisk further.
- Add cooked pasta to the sauce and mix gently until all pasta is covered with the sauce. Serve immediately.
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