Mushroom & Onion Pie

By yasmine • June 27, 2015

4 servings
30 min
Mushroom & Onion Pie

Pies are so hearty, filling and a special treat on any dining table. I used store-bought short crust pastry for this pie – it is easy to use and is always flakey and light. You can be creative with your fillings once you get the hang of rolling out this pastry and baking it. In this recipe, I’m using an Italian mushroom-onion-oregano mix that was always a delight to my family and friends. Other fun fillings can be a Greek-style Feta, sun-dried tomato and oregano mix or an Eastern onions, cabbage and potato.


  • 400 gram short crust pastry (1 pack OR 1.5 packs in case any dough gets ruined) - عجينة شورت كرست
  • 750 gram mushrooms (3 packs - thinly sliced) - عش الغراب
  • 3 red onion (thinly sliced) - بصلة حمراء
  • 4 garlic cloves (minced) - فصوص ثوم
  • 2 tablespoon oregano (dried) - أوريجانو/ زعتر
  • 1/2 cup cooking cream - كريم الطهي
  • 1 teaspoon salt - ملح
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper (preferably fresh) - فلفل أسود
  • 1 egg yolk - صفار البيض

Step by step

  1. On medium heat, heat the olive oil in a large pan and add the onions stirring occassionally.
  2. Once the onions are slightly tender (about 10 minutes), add the minced garlic, sliced mushrooms, salt and pepper. Stir for another 5 minutes.
  3. Add the cream, and put down the heat and cover. Once the cream starts dissolving, uncover the mix and stir in the oregano.
  4. Take it off the heat and let it cool.
  5. In the meantime, grease a round 30cm pie pan or pyrex with 1 tsp olive oil.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180C. Make sure your short crust pastry is at room temperature. Separate the dough to two pieces - 3/4 of the dough (for the base) and 1/4 (for the top).
  7. Roll out the larger dough part into a thin layer. Make sure you roll it about 4cm larger than the pie tin size in order to accommodate for the sides. Place it at the bottom of the pan and straighten the sides.
  8. Distribute the mushroom mix evenly on the dough then roll out the smaller dough part to cover the mix with it. Use your fingers to tighten the sides with the top all around the dish.
  9. Brush the egg yolk on the top of the pie. Use remains of the dough to add a small decor on top and also brush it with yolk. I use cookie cutters to put a fun look to the pie top.
  10. Place the pie in the oven for 20-25 minutes depending on your oven.


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