Beram Freekeh & Meat Cubes

By yasmine • March 29, 2015

4 servings
30 min
Beram Freekeh & Meat Cubes

الوصفه بالعربي

This dish is traditionally done with so-called rice pasta (Lessan 3asfur); however, freekeh is a more nutritious substitute for my family and offers a new taste.

This is such a warm and wholesome meal that keeps everyone satisfied. You will need to serve it with a vegetable side or a big salad to make up for the lack of vegetables. This recipe was inspired by an excellent Egyptian family chef.


  • 1/2 kg beef cubes - لحم كباب حلة
  • 2 cup freekeh - فريك
  • 1 tablespoon butter - زبدة
  • 1 onion (minced) - بصلة
  • 1 garlic clove (minced) - فص ثوم
  • 3 cup hot water - ماء ساخن
  • 1 tomato (peeled & juiced) - طماطم

Step by step

  1. On medium heat, fry onions and garlic in ½ tablespoon butter until golden then add beef cubes. Stir the meat until it browns all over, add ¼ cup hot water and lower the heat to cook the meat further.
  2. After 15 minutes, when the water is absorbed and reduced – add washed freekeh and 3 more cups of hot water and cover.
  3. In the meantime, rub the inside of a medium deep porcelain or glass dish (beram) with oil and place it empty in the 180C preheated oven for 5 minutes to warm the dish.
  4. After another 10 minutes of cooking the freekeh with the meat, transfer the mix including the remaining water into the deep dish (beram), stir in the tomato juice and make sure the meat is distributed evenly.
  5. Cover the dish with foil to keep the top moist and place it in the oven for about 20 minutes, until the rest of the water is absorbed and the freekeh is cooked. Serve it warm.


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