Annabell’s Famous Banana & Avocado Mix

By yasmine • April 20, 2016

4 servings
30 min
Annabell’s Famous Banana & Avocado Mix

From 7 months.

This mixture made the infamous Annabella Karmel famous among all mothers. It is an easy combination that babies and toddlers love. It is not just filling but also very nutritious. You can prepare it on the go – (when delayed in traffic, I used to stop by any grocer to buy one avocado and one banana and mash them together in the car!)

For more toddler recipes, click here.


  • 1/2 -1 avocado (depending on size - ripe but not overripe) - أفوكادو
  • 1 banana - موز

Step by step

  1. Peel & cut bananas and avocado into cubes (remove black bits from avocado.)
  2. Mash cubes and mix. Serve instantly at room temperature in order to avoid the ingredients going black.


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