Egyptian Soggok Shakshouka
By yasmine • May 13, 2015
4 servings
30 min

This dish is a family favourite. We used to have it a lot in Ramadan and very often for Friday brunch. It’s full of flavor and easy to make. Even if you want to keep it vegetarian, replace the soggok with more veggies like colored peppers and carrots and it’ll still taste unique.
- 1 tablespoon olive oil - زيت زيتون
- 500 gram Egyptian sausages (soggok - cut into bite sizes) - سجق
- 2 onions (quartered) - بصل
- 2 garlic clove (finely chopped) - فص ثوم
- 1 yellow pepper (julienne cut) - فلفل أصفر
- 1 red pepper (OR green pepper - julienne cut) - فلفل أحمر
- 2 tomatoes (peeled & diced) - طماطم
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste (dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water) - معجون طماطم / صلصة طماطم
- Tabasco (optional) - صوص تباسكو
- 2 tablespoon parsley (finely chopped) - بقدونس
- 5 eggs - بيض
- salt and pepper - ملح و فلفل
Step by step
- Preheat the oven to 180C.
- Heat olive oil in a pan and add the sausages for a quick fry. Once it starts turning brown take it out on paper towels to get rid of the excess fat.
- Keep the same pan on medium heat and stir in the onions, garlic and coloured peppers. Cook until tender (about 8 minutes) then add the diced tomatoes, tomato paste dissolve, salt and pepper and Tabasco (as desired).
- Stir in the sausages again and let it all simmer for 5 minutes on medium heat then add the chopped parsley for a last stir before you remove the mix of the heat.
- Place the shakshouka in a Pyrex (about 20x20cm) or deep oven tray and spread all the ingredients evenly. With your finger, create 4 or 5 holes in the mix with about 3 cm distance between them, then open 1 egg into each hole.
- Place the shakshouka in the middle of the preheated oven for 20 minutes or until the eggs are cooked. Garnish with chopped parsley and mint leaves and serve hot with Baladi or Shami bread.
This dish is amazing, tried the recipe and it is relatively easy… Perfect choice for dinner
Love. Easy and quick
Also perfect for Sohour