Duck & Rice Beraam
By shahdan • May 9, 2015
4 servings
30 min

Rice “beraam” with meat or poultry is very famous in the Egyptian cuisine. The only downside of these dishes is their heaviness. This recipe is an attempt to make a duck beraam that is as light as possible and still tasty enough to wow. This is a recipe that is easy to follow for a sophisticated dish that will impress your family and friends. You can always replace the duck with chicken and follow the same steps. But use one full chicken for one beraam.
- 2 large duck thighs - بط
- 1 large onion (finely chopped) - بصلة
- 2 medium garlic cloves (crushed) - فصوص ثوم
- 1 large carrot (chopped) - جزرة
- 2 stick celery (chopped) - كرفس افرنجي
- 2 tablespoon sunflower oil - زيت عباد الشمس
- 3 whole cardamom - حبهان
- 1 large bay leaf - ورق لاورا
- 1/2 teaspoon all spice - بهارات
- 1 pinch salt and pepper (or to taste) - ملح و فلفل
- 2 cup rice (Egyptian rice) - أرز
- 5 cup water - ماء
- 1 cup cooking cream (or half cup cream half cup milk) - كريم الطهي
Step by step
- Season the duck with salt and pepper
- Heat the oil in a deep soup pot and fry the ducks on all sides until golden brown. Remove and set aside.
- Add the finely chopped onion, carrot and celery stick and garlic in the same pan and sauté for 3-5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Add the all spice, cardamoms, bay leaf and return the duck back to the pot
- Pour 5 cups of water over the duck, cover and leave to simmer on a low heat for 45 minutes.
- After 45 minutes, turn off the heat, and remove the cardamoms that will be floating and top of the soup. Leave the soup to cool, and when it does, try to remove the yellow fatty layer on top of the soup. (This step guarantees a yummy beraam that is not too fatty.) Add one cup of washed rice in the beraam or Pyrex dish, then add the duck followed by the second cup of rice. (You may choose to debone the duck and just add its meat in the rice.)
- Mix 4 cups from the duck stock with 1 cup of cream (or cream and milk for a lighter dish) and adjust the salt and pepper before you pour it over the rice and duck. (You may add the veggies from the stock for a healthier dish or just leave out. The stock is already full of the veggies’ flavors).
- Pop in the oven for 45 min on 180C or until the rice is cooked and all stock is absorbed.
You think this recipe would work with freekah instead of rice ?
Hi Alia, sorry for the late reply, haven’t tried it with Freekeh but I think it would be delicious too. We have another recipe for Freekeh beraam