Creamy Salmon Fillets Farfelle
By shahdan • December 14, 2019
4 servings
30 min

Creamy & heavenly, the Salmon Farfelle Pasta is a restaurant-quality dish, in the comfort of your own home. It is definitely the perfect dish for special occasions.
- 500 ml half cream milk - لبن نصف دسم
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder - بودرة ثوم
- 4 fillet salmon (cubed) - سمك السلمون
- 1 tablespoon butter - زبدة
- 1 tablespoon all purpose flour - دقيق أبيض
- 1/2 cup cooking cream - كريم الطهي
- 1 medium lemon zest - قشر الليمون
- 12 leaves basil - ريحان
- 2 teaspoon parmesan cheese - جبنة بارميزان
- salt and pepper (to taste) - ملح و فلفل
- 500 gram pasta (Farfelle) - معكرونة
Step by step
- In a pot, heat milk until warm, then add the salmon fillet pieces. Season with salt, pepper, garlic powder and leave to poach on low heat for 5 to 8 minutes or until the fish is pink and cooked.
- Carefully remove the fish from the milk and set both aside.
- In the meantime, follow pasta bag instructions to cook the pasta until al dente. Drain.
- In a separate pot, melt butter then stir in flour and mix. Pour in the salmon-infused milk and whisk constantly until the milk thickens into a creamy sauce.
- Stir in the cream for added richness, followed by the cooked salmon, finely chopped basil and the zest of one lemon. Adjust salt and pepper.
- Add the cooked pasta to the sauce, mix gently then transfer to serving dish. Garnish with basil leaves and sprinkle grated parmesan cheese on top.
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