Classic Mushroom Soup
By shahdan • April 1, 2015
4 servings
30 min

A classic soup that always pleases the crowd…
- 500 gram mushrooms (use fresh mushroom for best result) - عش الغراب
- 2 tablespoon olive oil (or a mix between olive oil and butter) - زيت زيتون
- 3 tablespoon flour - دقيق
- 1 medium red onion - بصلة حمراء
- 1 liter vegetable stock (around 4 cups) - مرقة خضار
- 4 stick celery (optional) - كرفس افرنجي
- 1/4 teaspoon oregano - أوريجانو/ زعتر
- 1 pinch nutmeg - جوزة الطيب
- 2 tablespoon cooking cream - كريم الطهي
- 1/4 teaspoon lemon zest - قشر الليمون
- 1 pinch salt and pepper (to taste) - ملح و فلفل
Step by step
- Clean your mushrooms using a clean wet towel or kitchen paper then chop into slices.
- Heat the olive oil in a soup pot then add the sliced onions, sliced celery sticks (if using any) and sauté until both are a little soft. Add the mushrooms. Season with salt, pepper, and oregano. Cook until mushrooms have absorbed all their juices. Remove 2 tbsps. of mushroom and set aside.
- Sprinkle the mushrooms with flour and stir.
- Pour in the vegetable stock and leave to simmer over a low-medium heat for 10 minutes.
- Puree the soup until smooth.
- Return the extra mushroom. Add the cream, the nutmeg and simmer for another 5 minutes.
- Serve in soup bowls and garnish with lemon zest and oregano.
I tried this recipe for Iftar invite and the guests loved it 🙂
Tried it today and it was all gone in no time 🙂 simple enough for the novices like me 😉
I served the soup for my in-laws and it was gone in no time. The serving was the right quantity. The addition of lemon zest added depth to the taste.
Thank you for the lovely comments! Happy you enjoyed the soup 🙂 You can always click the heart icon above the photo to save the recipe to your favourites 🙂
Which mushrooms do you sprinkle with flour? in the pot or the ones set aside?
Hi Alia, yes the ones in the pot, so the soup thickens after you add the stock. Hope this helps 🙂 let us know how it turns out :))))