Traditional Dessert Sugar Syrup
By yasmine • June 11, 2015
4 servings
30 min

This syrup is the main sweetener of most if not all Oriental desserts. You can prepare it in advance and keep it in a sterilized jar for the whole month of Ramadan – using it when you need it! As long as you keep the ratio of 2:1 sugar to water – you should be alright with any amount you need to prepare.
Some people like different versions of this syrup – if you like it thicker increase the sugar or just leave it longer to simmer on the stove. Desserts like 3asafeer elganna قطايف عصافير الجنة for example, call for a thicker syrup. Another variation is adding some rose water to it, a Levantine touch, for desserts like Helw ElJebn حلو الجبن .
- 2 cup sugar - سكر
- 1 cup water - ماء
- 1/2 lime (deseeded) - ليمون بلدي
Step by step
- Put all ingredients in a medium pot and place it on medium heat (put the 1/2 lime piece as is - do not juice it).
- As soon as the water starts boiling, put the heat down to low and let it simmer for up to 15 minutes or when you feel the liquid has thickened.
- Note that the syrup will thicken further as it cools.
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