Meat Cubes with Carrots & Potatoes
By yasmine • June 9, 2016
4 servings
30 min

Kabab Halla or meat cubes cooked with carrots and potatoes is such an ancient dish in our family. It is so comforting and delicious that everyone young and old loves it. My kids enjoy it with brown rice or freekeh.
Try to keep yourself from eating the hot fried potatoes and carrots as you prepare it!
- 1/2 kg beef cubes - لحم كباب حلة
- 2 large potatoes - بطاطس
- 4 carrots - جزر
- 1 large onion (minced) - بصلة
- 2 tablespoon olive oil - زيت زيتون
- 3/4 cup boiling water - ماء ساخن
- salt and pepper - ملح و فلفل
Step by step
- Peel and cut carrots and potatoes into cubes. Season meat cubes with salt and pepper.
- In a medium pot, heat olive oil and fry meat cubes on medium heat until browned. It'll take about 20 minutes as the meat will release its liquid and cook for a bit and then start to brown on all sides as you stir occassionally. Set aside.
- In the same pot, heat another tablespoon olive oil and fry cubed potatoes and carrots until slightly browned (about 15 minutes stirring occasionally). Set aside.
- Fry minced onions in the same pot until slightly yellowish (about 8 minutes). Add boiling water, salt and pepper and scrape the pot for all the brownish bits to make sure they go into the sauce.
- Add meat and veggies back to the pot, lower the heat and let them all cook for 20 minutes until sauce thickens and all cubes are cooked through. Serve warm next to rice.
I would really like to thank u for this detailed description, adding the time was so efficient for beginners like me.
Thanks so much