Gluten-Free Buckwheat Salad
By Shewekar Elgharably • June 10, 2015
4 servings
30 min

- 200 gram wild rice - الأرز البري
- 200 gram buckwheat - الحنطة السوداء
- ½ lemon ( zest peeled, & juiced ) - ليمون
- ½ orange ( zest peeled & juiced) - برتقالة
- 120 ml olive oil - زيت زيتون
- 1 garlic clove (peeled and crushed ) - فص ثوم
- 100 gram dried cranberries - التوت البري المجفف
- 75 gram walnut - عين جمل / جوز
- 5 spring onion (thinly sliced ) - بصلة خضراء
- salt and pepper - ملح و فلفل
- handful parsley (roughly chopped ) - بقدونس
- handful red cabbage (roughly chopped) - كرنب أحمر
- 2 tablespoon basil - ريحان
- 2 tablespoon tarragon (roughly chopped ) - طرخون
- handful kale (roughly chopped & sauteed) - كيل
Step by step
- Bring a medium pot of water to a boil, add the wild rice and boil gently for 35-40 minutes, until the grains start to pop open and are al dente. Rinse under cold water and leave to drain.
- In another small pan, bring 400ml water to a boil. Turn the heat to very low, stir in the buckwheat, cover and cook for six to eight minutes; stir once or twice more. Set aside for a few minutes with the lid on, then leave to cool.
- Once both grains are cool, mix them in a large bowl with the lemon & orange zest, garlic, cranberries, walnuts and spring onions.
- Mix the oil with the orange & lemon juice, garlic and a teaspoon of salt, and add with the grain mixture.
- Before serving, stir in the herbs, red cabbage & kale.
- Serve immediately.
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