Simply Kofta
By CairoCooking • April 10, 2017
4 servings
30 min

The traditional homemade Egyptian kofta is just so simple to prepare and always a winner on the lunch or dinner table. This recipe makes sure the kofta is moist from the inside with a bite to it. Make sure to buy the least fatty minced meat you can find. In all cases, you won’t need to add any fat to this dish. It’s great for the whole family as well as for sharing among friends as an appetizer with a tahini dip next to it.
- 1/2 kg minced meat - لحم مفروم
- 2 tablespoon breadcrumbs - بقسماط
- 1 small onion (minced) - بصلة
- 1 teaspoon all spice - بهارات
- 1/2 teaspoon coriander - كزبرة
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin - كمون
- salt and pepper (generous) - ملح و فلفل
- 1 egg - بيضة
- 1 handful parsley (finely chopped - OPTIONAL) - بقدونس
Step by step
- Mince the onion and chop the parsley then mix them with the minced meat and the rest of the ingredients. Make sure all ingredients are well-combined.
- Preheat oven to 180C.
- Form the kofta dough into fingers or round kofta pieces and place them one inch apart on an oven tray or pyrex.
- Place it in the middle of the oven for 25 minutes making sure to flip them half way through to cook and brown thoroughly. Serve them warm next to tahini, salad and rice or baladi bread.
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