Chicken Waldorf salad
By shahdan • April 19, 2021
4 servings
30 min

This no-mayo Chicken Waldorf Salad is light, delicious and so refreshing… It is also the perfect way to use leftover chicken!
The classic American salad uses fresh red grapes, but we love using dried cranberries instead.
- 6 stem celery - كرفس افرنجي
- 2 large apple (red) - تفاحة
- 1 large lime - ليمون بلدي
- 2 tablespoon dill (chopped) - شبت
- 1 large chicken breast fillet (cooked) - صدور فيليه الدجاج
- 2 tablespoon dried cranberries - التوت البري المجفف
- 1 handful walnut - عين جمل / جوز
- 1/2 cup yoghurt (measuring cup not commercial cup) - زبادي
- 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard - مسطردة ديجون
- 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar - خل حمض تفاح
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil - زيت الزيتون بكر
- salt and pepper (to taste) - ملح و فلفل
Step by step
- Finely chop the celery and cut the apples into bite size pieces. Transfer to bowl and add lime juice to prevent the apples from browning.
- Add cooked and chopped chicken pieces, dill and cranberries.
- Mix dressing ingredients in a small bowl, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Add the dressing to the salad and mix gently.
- Finally add walnuts, give the salad another quick stir, then transfer to serving dish.
- Garnish with extra dill and serve or refrigerate until serving time.
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