Hearty Sugar-Free Carrot Muffins

By yasmine • March 20, 2016

4 servings
30 min
Hearty Sugar-Free Carrot Muffins

From 12 months.

These Carrot Muffins are yummy and heartwarming for the whole family. I make them for my 1 year and my 3 year old and they both indulge in it. The good news is that your babies will not need help feeding – they will just hold a piece and munch at it at their convenience (but a mess is guaranteed!)

You can add chopped nuts or raisins to this recipe (up to 1/2 cup) but I refrained in order to avoid any choking hazard. You can also garnish these muffins with a banana & nut-based sugar-free frosting (only for babies starting 12 months).

No mixer or blender is needed for this recipe – just use a whisk.

For more toddler recipes, click here.


  • 2 cup whole wheat flour - دقيق القمح الكامل
  • 2 teaspoon cinnamon powder - قرفة
  • ginger powder - بودرة جنزبيل
  • pinch nutmeg - جوزة الطيب
  • 2 teaspoon baking powder - باكينج باودر
  • pinch salt - ملح
  • 4 large carrots (peeled and shredded) - جزر
  • 2 eggs - بيض
  • 1/2 cup raw honey (OR maple syrup, raw molasses, date syrup) - عسل نقي
  • 1/3 cup coconut oil (melted OR virgin olive oil PLUS an extra tablespoon for greasing)) - زيت جوز الهند
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract - خلاصة الفانيليا
  • 1/2 cup yoghurt (about 100g) - زبادي

Step by step

  1. Preheat oven to 180C. Grease 12 muffin tins with oil or butter combined with flour. You do not need to grease silicon tins or muffin paper.
  2. Whisk the eggs with oil, yoghurt, honey and vanilla extract until it is all combined and smooth. Set aside.
  3. Mix the flour with baking powder, salt and the rest of the spices. Add the shredded carrot and make sure it is mixed in properly.
  4. Stir the egg mix into the flour mix slowly. Make sure all the ingredients are well combined.
  5. Distribute the batter on 12 muffin tins - about 2 tablespoons dough per muffin. Place them in the middle of the oven for 15-20 minutes. If you're using a silicon muffin tray or muffin tins, make sure to place it/them on a metal tray before putting them in the oven. It'll make sure your muffins don't burn from the bottom.
  6. Remove from oven and let cool. After about 5 minutes, remove the muffins from the pans and let them cool on a wire rack. You may frost them now or eat like that.


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